Source code for deep_lincs.dataset.dataset

import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import altair as alt
import os

from .normalizers import get_norm_method
from .tf_dataset_pipeline import prepare_tf_dataset
from .load_yaml import yaml_to_dataframes
from ..plotting.plots import boxplot, barplot

[docs]class Dataset: """Represents an L1000 Dataset Parameters ---------- data : ``dataframe``, shape (n_samples, (n_genes + n_metadata_fields)) A sample by gene expression matrix padded to the right with per sample metadata. Generally it is easiest to construct a Dataset from a class method, ``Dataset.from_yaml()`` or ``Dataset.from_dataframes()``. gene_meta : ``dataframe``, shape (n_genes, n_features) Contains the metadata for each of the genes in the data matrix. n_genes : ``int`` Number of genes in expression matrix. This explicitly defines the column index which divides the expression values and metadata. Attributes ---------- data : ``dataframe``, shape (n_samples, n_genes) Gene expression matrix as a dataframe. Shared indicies with `self.sample_meta` and `self.gene_meta`. sample_meta : ``dataframe``, shape (n_samples, n_metadata_features) Per profile metadata. Row index same as ````. gene_meta : ``dataframe``, shape (n_genes, n_gene_features) Gene metadata. Row index same as ````. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, gene_meta, n_genes): self._data = data self.gene_meta = gene_meta self.n_genes = n_genes
@property def data(self): """A dataframe representing the sample x gene expression matrix""" return self._data.iloc[:, : self.n_genes] @property def sample_meta(self): """A dataframe representing the per sample metadata""" return self._data.iloc[:, self.n_genes :]
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataframes(cls, data_df, sample_meta_df, gene_meta_df): """Dataset constructor method from multiple dataframes Parameters ---------- data_df : dataframe, shape (n_samples, n_genes) Contains the expression data from experiment. Must have shared row index with ``sample_meta_df``. sample_meta_df : ``dataframe``, shape (n_samples, n_meta_features) Contains the metadata for each of the samples in experiment. gene_meta_df : dataframe, shape (n_genes, n_gene_features) Contains the metadata for each of the genes in experiment. """ data = data_df.join(sample_meta_df) return cls(data, gene_meta_df, len(gene_meta_df))
[docs] @classmethod def from_yaml(cls, path, sample_ids=None, only_landmark=True, **filter_kwargs): """Dataset constructor method from yaml specification Parameters ---------- path : ``str`` Valid string path to ``.yaml`` or ``.yml`` file. sample_ids : ``list`` (optional, default ``None``) Unique sample ids to read from data and metadata files. only_landmark : ``bool`` (optional, default ``True``) Whether to parse all genes or only the landmark. filter_kwargs : Optional keyword args to subset data by specific features in per sample metadata. Each kwarg must follow the following. ``keyword`` - a column in metadata ``arg`` - a list of values to filter from keyword field. Returns ------- ``Dataset`` >>> Dataset.from_yaml("settings.yaml", cell_id=["MCF7", "PC3"], pert_id=["trt_cp"]) """ data_df, sample_meta_df, gene_meta_df = yaml_to_dataframes( path, sample_ids, only_landmark, **filter_kwargs ) data = data_df.join(sample_meta_df) return cls(data, gene_meta_df, len(gene_meta_df))
[docs] def sample_rows(self, size, replace=False, meta_groups=None): """Returns a Dataset of sampled profiles Parameters ---------- size : ``int`` Number of samples to return per meta grouping. Default is to sample from all profiles. replace : ``bool`` (optional, default ``False``) Sample with or without replacement. meta_groups : ``str`` or ``list`` (optional, default ``None``) If provided, equal numbers of profiles are returned for each metadata grouping. Returns ------- ``Dataset`` >>> dataset.sample_rows(size=5000, meta_groups="cell_id") // returns 5000 profiles for each cell_id in dataset >>> dataset.sample_rows(size=5000, meta_groups=["cell_id", "pert_type"]) // returns 5000 profiles for all groupings of cell_id and pert_type """ sampled = ( self._data.sample(size, replace=replace) if meta_groups is None else self._data.sample(frac=1, replace=replace) .groupby(meta_groups) .head(size) ) return self._copy(sampled)
[docs] def filter_rows(self, **kwargs): """Returns a Dataset of filtered profiles Parameters ---------- kwargs : Keyword args to subset data by specific features in sample metadata. Each kwarg must follow the following. ``keyword``: a column in metadata, ``arg``: a list of values to filter from keyword field. Returns ------- ``Dataset`` >>> dataset.filter_rows(cell_id=["VCAP, PC3"]) >>> dataset.filter_rows(cell_id="VCAP", pert_type=["ctl_vehicle", "trt_cp"]) """ filtered = self._data.copy() for colname, values in kwargs.items(): values = [values] if type(values) == str else values filtered = filtered[filtered[colname].isin(values)] return self._copy(filtered)
[docs] def select_meta(self, meta_fields): """Returns a Dataset with select metadata fields. Parameters ---------- meta_fields : ``list`` Desired metadata columns. Returns ------- ``Dataset`` >>> dataset.select_meta(["cell_id", "pert_id", "moa"]) // returns dataset with only ["cell_id", "pert_id", "moa"] as metadata fields. """ selected = self._data[[*, *meta_fields]] return self._copy(selected)
[docs] def select_samples(self, sample_ids): """Returns a Dataset with profiles selected by id Parameters ---------- sample_ids : ``list``, character ``array`` Desired sample ids to filter dataset. Returns ------- ``Dataset`` """ mask = self._data.isin(sample_ids) return self._copy(self._data[mask])
[docs] def split(self, **kwargs): """Returns a tuple of Datasets, split by inclusion criteria Parameters ---------- kwargs : Keyword args to subset data by specific features in sample metadata. Each kwarg must follow the following. ``keyword``: a column in metadata, ``arg``: a str or list of values to filter from keyword field. Returns ------- ``Dataset``, ``Dataset`` >>> pc3, not_pc3 = dataset.split(cell_id="PC3") >>> vcap_mcf7, not_vcap_mcf7 = dataset.split(cell_id=["VCAP", "MCF7"]) """ if len(kwargs.keys()) != 1: raise ValueError( "One keyword argument is required: Key must be a meta_data field." ) data = self._data.copy() for colname, values in kwargs.items(): values = [values] if type(values) == str else values mask = data[colname].isin(values) return self._copy(data[mask]), self._copy(data[~mask])
[docs] def dropna(self, subset, inplace=False): """Drops profiles for which there is no metadata in subset Parameters ---------- subset : ``str`` or ``list`` Metadata field or fields. inplace : ``bool`` (optional, default: ``False``) If True, do operation inplace and return None. """ if type(subset) is str: subset = [subset] if not inplace: filtered = self._data.dropna(subset=subset) return self._copy(filtered) else: self._data.dropna(subset=subset, inplace=True)
[docs] def set_categorical(self, meta_field): """Sets sample metadata column as categorical Parameters ---------- meta_field : ``str`` Sample metadata column name. """ self._data[meta_field] = pd.Categorical(self._data[meta_field])
[docs] def normalize_by_gene(self, normalizer="standard_scale"): """Normalize expression by gene Parameters ---------- normalizer : ``str`` or ``func`` (optional, default 'standard_scale') Method used normalise dataset. Valid str options are 'standard_scale' and 'z_score'. If a function is provided, it must take one argument (``array``), and return an array of the same dimensions. Returns ------- ``None`` """ normalizer = get_norm_method(normalizer) self._data.iloc[:, : self.n_genes] = normalizer(
[docs] def train_val_test_split(self, p1=0.2, p2=0.2): """Splits dataset into training, validation, and test datasets Parameters ---------- p1 : ``float`` (optional: default ``0.2`` ) Test size in first train/test split. p2 : ``float`` (optional: default ``0.2`` ) Validation size in remaining train/val split. Returns ------- ``tuple`` of ``Dataset``'s """ X_train, X_test = train_test_split(self._data, test_size=p1) X_train, X_val = train_test_split(X_train, test_size=p2) train = KerasDataset(X_train, self.gene_meta.copy(), self.n_genes, "train") val = KerasDataset(X_val, self.gene_meta.copy(), self.n_genes, "validation") test = KerasDataset(X_test, self.gene_meta.copy(), self.n_genes, "test") return train, val, test
[docs] def to_tsv(self, out_dir, sep="\t", prefix=None, **kwargs): """Write Dataset object to a tsv file Parameters ---------- out_dir : ``str`` Path to output directory. sep : ``str`` (optional) String of length 1. Field delimiter for the output file. prefix : ``str`` (optional, default ``None``) Filename prefix. """ os.makedirs(out_dir, exist_ok=True) # create dirs if non-existent prefix = f"{prefix}_" if prefix else "" fpaths = [ os.path.join(out_dir, f"{prefix}{suf}.tsv") for suf in ["data", "sample_meta"] ][0], sep="\t", **kwargs) self.sample_meta.to_csv(fpaths[1], sep="\t", **kwargs)
[docs] def one_hot_encode(self, meta_field): """Return a one-hot vector for a metadata field for all profiles Parameters ---------- meta_field : ``str`` Valid sample metadata column. Returns ------- one_hot : ``array``, (n_samples, n_categories) """ one_hot = pd.get_dummies(self.sample_meta[meta_field]).values return one_hot
[docs] def plot_gene_boxplot( self, identifier, lookup_col=None, meta_field=None, extent=1.5, ): """Returns a boxplot of gene expression, faceted on metadata field Parameters ---------- identifier : ``str`` String identifier for gene. Default should be one of `self.gene_meta.index`. lookup_col : ``str`` (optional, default ``None``) Gene metadata column name. Will be used to lookup `identifier` param rather than index. meta_field : ``str`` (optional, default ``None``) Sample metadata column name. Will make multiple boxplots for each metadata category. extent : ``str`` or ``float`` (optional, default ``1.5``) Can be either ``'min-max'``, with whiskers covering entire domain, or an number X where entries outside X stds are shown as individual points. Returns ------- ``altair.Chart`` object >>> dataset.plot_gene_boxplot("Gene A", lookup_col="gene_name", meta_field="cell_id") >>> dataset.plot_gene_boxplot("5270") // dsitribution for gene_id == '5270') """ if lookup_col: gene_mask = self.gene_meta[lookup_col] == str(identifier) else: gene_mask = self.gene_meta.index.astype(str) == str(identifier) gene_index = self.gene_meta[gene_mask].index[0].astype(str) df = self._data[[gene_index, *self.sample_meta.columns]] df = df.rename(columns={gene_index: identifier}) return boxplot(df=df, x=meta_field, y=df.columns[0], extent=extent)
[docs] def plot_meta_counts(self, meta_field, normalize=False, sort_values=True): """Returns a barplot of a metadata field counts in Dataset Parameters ---------- meta_field : ``str`` Valid sample metadata column. normalize : ``bool`` (optional, default ``False``) Whether to show counts or noramlize to frequencies. sort_values : ``bool`` (optional, default ``True``) Whether to sort barchart by counts/frequencies. Returns ------- ``altair.Chart`` object >>> dataset.plot_meta_counts("cell_id", normalize=True) // barplot of cell_id frequencies """ counts = self.sample_meta[meta_field].value_counts(normalize=normalize) colname = "counts" if normalize is False else "frequency" df = pd.DataFrame({meta_field: counts.index.values, colname: counts.values}) return barplot(df=df, x=meta_field, y=colname)
[docs] def copy(self): """Copies Dataset to a new object""" return Dataset(self._data.copy(), self.gene_meta.copy(), self.n_genes)
def _copy(self, data): return Dataset(data, self.gene_meta.copy(), self.n_genes) def __len__(self): return self._data.shape[0] def __repr__(self): nsamples, ngenes = return f"<L1000 Dataset: (samples: {nsamples:,}, genes: {ngenes:,})>"
class KerasDataset(Dataset): """ Represents an L1000 Dataset to be injested into Keras pipeline Parameters ---------- data : ``dataframe``, shape (n_samples, (n_genes + n_metadata_fields)) A sample by gene expression matrix padded to the right with per sample metadata. gene_meta : ``dataframe``, shape (n_genes, n_features) Contains the metadata for each of the genes in the data matrix. n_genes : ``int`` Number of genes in expression matrix. This explicitly defines the column index which divides the expression values and metadata. name : ``str`` Identifier for what type of dataset (``'train'``, ``'validation'``, ``'test'``) Properties ---------- data : ``dataframe``, shape (n_samples, n_genes) Gene expression matrix as a dataframe. Shared indicies with `self.sample_meta` and `self.gene_meta`. sample_meta : ``dataframe``, shape (n_samples, n_metadata_features) Per profile metadata. Row index same as ````. gene_meta : ``dataframe``, shape (n_genes, n_gene_features) Gene metadata. Row index same as ````. """ _valid_names = ["train", "validation", "test"] def __init__(self, data, gene_meta, n_genes, name, **kwargs): super(KerasDataset, self).__init__(data, gene_meta, n_genes, **kwargs) = name if name not in self._valid_names: raise ValueError( f"LINCSKerasDataset 'name' must be one of {self._valid_names}, not '{name}'." ) self.shuffle, self.repeat = (True, True) if name is "train" else (False, False) def __call__(self, target, batch_size=64, batch_normalize=None): """Converts Dataset to to be ingested by Keras Parameters ---------- target : ``str`` Valid sample metadata column or ``'self'``. If ``'self'``, the outputs are designed to be the same as the inputs (i.e. an autoencoder). batch_size : ``int`` (optional, default ``64``) Size of batches during training and testing. batch_normalize : ``str`` (optional, default ``None``) Whether to batch normalize. Can be one of ``'standard_scale'`` or ``'z_score'``. >>> keras_dataset("cell_id", batch_size=128) ==> TensorFlow prefetch-dataset. Returns ------- tf_dataset : ```` """ X = y = self._get_target_as_tf_dataset(target) tf_dataset = prepare_tf_dataset(, y)), batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=self.shuffle, repeat=self.repeat, batch_normalize=batch_normalize,[0], ) return tf_dataset @classmethod def from_lincs_dataset(cls, lincs_dataset, name): """Constructor from base Dataset class Parameters ---------- name : ``str`` Type of dataset. Must be one of ``'train'``, ``'validation'``, or ``'test'``. """ return cls( lincs_dataset._data, lincs_dataset.gene_meta, lincs_dataset.n_genes, name ) def _get_target_as_tf_dataset(self, target): if target == "self": y = elif type(target) == str: y = self.one_hot_encode(target) elif type(target) == list: y = tuple(self.one_hot_encode(t) for t in target) y_tf_dataset = return y_tf_dataset def __repr__(self): nsamples, ngenes = return f"< {} Dataset: (samples: {nsamples:,}, genes: {ngenes:,})>"